Cookie policy

What are cookies and similar technologies?

Our website uses cookies and other similar technologies to distinguish between you and other users.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer, smartphone or other tablet devices when you visit a website. Websites use cookies in a variety of ways to improve your experience and help us make improvements. Some examples of why we use cookies are to:

  • Show you products that are relevant to you.
  • Work with advertising partners to deliver relevant advertising to you.
  • Remember your log in details to keep you signed in.

We use tracking pixels (a similar technology to cookies) in our emails in order to track user activity and continuously improve our content. These allow us to find out if our emails have been read and if the recipient found them useful.

Session and persistent cookies

A cookie can be either a:

Session cookie - this type of cookie is deleted when you close your web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge etc.). These are typically used when you log in to a website make an online purchase;


Persistent cookie - this type of cookie remains on your computer until they expire. This can be for a fixed time after you have visited the website (e.g, one year) or a particular date (e.g., 31 December 2022). These cookies are used to remember information between visits to a website.

Except for strictly necessary cookies, all cookies on our website will expire after 6 months.

What are the types of cookies?

Strictly necessary cookies

These are always on when you visit our website, and you can’t turn them off unless you change your browser settings. These cookies are vital to us providing key features of our website, such as the ability to use online tools, log on and register securely, and maintain your cookie preferences.

Cookie Source Cookie Name Cookies Used Duration OptanonAlertBoxClosed First Party A few seconds, 364 days ASP.NET_SessionId First Party Session sv_ First Party Session cf_ob_info First Party Session cf_ob_info First Party A few seconds, 364 days cf_use_ob First Party Session __RequestVerificationToken First Party Session PORTALAUTH First Party Session PreciseSession First Party Session Consent Third Party Session

You’ll be asked to provide your consent to the following cookies when you first visit our website and your consent will be refreshed every 6 months. You can switch these on or off at any time.

Performance cookies

These let us monitor how our website is performing so we can make regular improvements to the user experience and enable us to run tests on our website using different layouts. We also use these cookies for enhanced web chat services.

Cookie Source Cookie Name Cookies Used Duration _gid First Party A few seconds, 1 day _gat First Party Session _gclxxxx First Party A few seconds, 89 days __hssc First Party Session _clsk First Party Session _ga First Party A few seconds, 730 days __hstc First Party A few seconds, 388 days _gclxxxx First Party A few seconds, 90 days __hssrc First Party Session _clck First Party A few seconds, 364 days _clsk First Party Session _clck First Party A few seconds, 364 days JSESSIONID Third Party Session

Functional cookies

These are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences.

Cookie Source Cookie Name Cookies Used Duration messagesUtk First Party A few seconds, 388 days hubspotutk First Party A few seconds, 388 days

Targeting cookies

These are used to collect information about your visit to our site, the content you have viewed, the links you have followed and information about your browser, device and your IP address. We’ll use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with trusted third parties for this purpose.

Cookie Source Cookie Name Cookies Used Duration SRM_B Third Party A few seconds, 389 days __cf_bm Third Party Session

How we work with our trusted third parties

Website analytics

We use third-party website analytics providers to monitor visitor traffic to our site to supply website reporting and general analytics. This gives us information about the pages on our site that visitors view, where our visitors come from (for example, whether they were directed to our site by a search engine), how long they choose to stay on the site, the types of browsers they use and so on.

We use this information to enhance our website offering so that we give our users the best possible experience on the site and to monitor the effectiveness of our marketing activities. However, this information is provided in anonymised, aggregate form only. It doesn’t enable you or your activity on our site to be individually identified.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, which sets a cookie in order to evaluate your use of our website. The information collected helps us to understand how people use our website, what technologies they use, whether they have followed a link or carried out a search to find the site and which pages are most popular. It doesn’t give us individually identifiable information about your interaction with the site.

Google stores the information collected by the cookie on servers in the United States. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google won’t associate your Internet Provider (IP) address with any other data held by Google.

To find out more about the Google Analytics cookie and to reject or delete this cookie, you can visit the Google Privacy site at

How can you manage cookies?

Strictly necessary cookies are always on when you visit us. When you first visit our website you can choose which cookies we can use.

If you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by us, or indeed any other website, you can do this through your browser settings. Stopping all cookies might mean you can’t access some of our services or our website may not work properly for you.

Where can I get more information?

For more information on how we may use your personal data, please see our privacy notice. You can find out more information about cookies and your rights on the ICO’s website

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9:30am to 5pm
excluding bank holidays

Postal Address

Precise Mortgages,
2 Charter Court, PO Box 6037,
Wolverhampton, WV1 9QW.

Intermediary support

0800 116 4385

For intermediary use only
BBR 5.25%